One of the most ancient and feared of all curses, lycanthropy can transform the most civilized humanoid into a ravening beast. In its natural humanoid form, a creature cursed by lycanthropy appears as its normal self. Over time, however, many lycanthropes acquire features suggestive of their animal form. In that animal form, a lycanthrope resembles a powerful version of a normal animal. On close inspection, its eyes show a faint spark of unnatural intelligence and might glow red in the dark.
A lycanthrope can either resist its curse or embrace it. By resisting the curse, a lycanthrope retains its normal alignment and personality while in humanoid form. It lives its life as it always has, burying the bestial urges that rage inside it. However, when a full moon rises, the curse becomes too strong to resist, transforming the individual into its beast form, or into a horrible hybrid form that combines animal and humanoid traits. When the moon wanes, the beast within can be controlled once again. It might not remember the events of its transformation, though those memories often haunt a lycanthrope as blood dreams.

Lycanthrope Packs
From the first ancient manifestation of the curse, lycanthropes have spread their scourge upon civilizations. Harrowing tales and epics of the wolves and bears that prowl the night, passed down through generations to warn and instruct in the hopes of keeping their kin safe, yet still: the bite cannot be denied. There are many packs within the world, made manifest by an Ancient wielding the curse eons prior; now presided over by Greater Lycanthrope with their own variety of the affliction. The lessers of their packs and sleuths carry these tumultuous feelings and ideals. It whispers and echoes in their blood, and under the glow of the full moon these pacts scream their absolution.
Regardless of the Pack that is chosen, all characters must adhere to the basis of Lycanthropy. Every pack still retains their weaknesses and strengths, and all are a slave to their instincts.
Of Canine and Claw
While there are many lycanthropes within the world, two types are generally seen and understood: the Werewolves and the Werebears. Werewolves are usually seen as the more hot tempered, vicious entities, spreading their curse and chaos when turned. When not alone, they hunt and live in packs, vehemently dedicated to rank and strength. Their hot blooded nature, predatory instincts, and aptitude for violence can outweigh their desire for peace and calm.
On the other hand, Werebears generally trend towards the opposite spectrum from their wolven counterparts. Often known as protectors, when not alone they live in sleuths, which defend territory and care for others- especially those who cannot defend themselves. They more than naught exude a stalwart defiance against senseless violence, and have a proclivity for patience and understanding. Real or perceived threats to their territory or family are not simply endured, however. A Werebear's wrath is rare and fatal.
​Lycanthropes of this pack are quick to act, and react, without consideration of consequence. Their power assures their success. Their opinions and feelings are eager to paint the world in their image. Heightened emotions, especially those from vices, distress, or anger, lead to extreme urgency, expedited boredom, and crumbling promises or inhibitions. A Lycanthrope of this pack is flexible, impulsive, and finds relaxation and happiness in their creativity. There is a freedom in acting without thought. Living spontaneously in the moment. They are the epitome of risk, despite any reward or cost.

You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions, negating the Perception and to-hit penalties present at nighttime and in the dark areas of the world.
Transformation: Werewolf
As a bonus action, you may assume the hybrid form granted by your strain of lycanthropy. While transformed, the werewolf gains the following basic features:
+2 Strength and Dexterity.
+2 Hit bonus (Unarmed).
18 AC as Natural Armor (your equipped armor is unequipped when you transform).
You gain 20 max hit points when transforming for the first time per combat.
You gain +1 Attack Action (to a max of 2).
You gain a magical Bite Attack and Claw attacks with the Finesse property (1d10+atr, 1d8+atr).
You may climb with no movement penalty.
When you transform, all of your used equipment merges into your new form. Upon deshifting, you may choose to have your equipment fall off your person or be re-equipped.
​You may transform 6 times per long rest. Werewolves cannot use weapons, armor, or use any potions or abilities from their class or subclass while transformed. Further, when you fall in combat during a PvP you must de-shift excluding during a Full Moon.
Additionally, you gain access to the following more advanced abilities:
You are immune to polymorph. Additionally, during a full moon you cannot have your form forcefully reverted with Moonbeam or Brand of the Axiom.
Ferocious Momentum
You may dash for the cost of a bonus action.
Rending Claw
Draw your claws across the target, dealing 1d6 damage and applies Exposed to the target on a hit until the end of their next turn and lowering the Inner Fury of the lycanthrope by 1 on a success. Limited to one augmented lycanthrope ability per turn.
Infectious Bite
Tear into your target with your teeth, dealing 1d8 damage and applies Poisoned to the target on a hit until the end of their next turn and lowering the Inner Fury of the lycanthrope by 1 on a success. Limited to one augmented lycanthrope ability per turn.
As a bonus action you may give into your curse, allowing the inner fury to accelerate the mending of your injuries. Regaining 3d6 + 6 hit points and increasing your Inner Fury by 3. This is usable once per turn.
Unleash Fury
Once on each of your turns you may give into your inner fury to deliver an additional 2d8 damage with one of your attacks. Increases your Inner Fury by 2.
Lycanthrope Howl
Unleash a fearful howl. Granting all other lycanthropes within range advantage until the end of their next turn and lowers their Inner Fury by 2. Additionally all other lycanthropes within range may make an attack of opportunity against a target that you decide.
Non-lycanthropes who hear this howl much succeed a DC 15 Wisdom Saving Throw or be frightened until the end of their turn. Usable once per Long Rest.​
Pack Authority
Requires Greater Lycanthrope
You are a Greater Lycanthrope, one of the strongest a pack leader. You may create Lesser Lycanthropes, so you must be able to control them. When you deal damage to a Lesser Lycanthrope you deal an additional 2d8 typeless damage to them once per turn.

Inner Fury
The lycanthrope is filled with an eternal anger from their curse. This is reflected by the Inner Fury Resource. When starting PvP without having the Sated buff it will start at 6, while with the buff at 0. This resource may be spent using certain abilities in combat and to gain the Sated buff for a period of 48 hours a lycanthrope must use the Maul consequence, unleashing their fury on the target and leaving them bloodless.
Pack Mentality
The curse of lycanthropy makes you quick to anger. This can come in the form of rash decision making or doing whatever it takes to protect those you care about.
Silver Hypersensitivity
Silver has an adverse effect to the curse that swells within your veins. The simple touch of it against your skin burns. Weapons made of silver deal an additional 6 damage to anyone suffering from Lycanthropy.
Call of the Moon
While most who have embraced the curse within them are able to control when and where they transform through training and discipline, it is impossible to hold back the urge during a full moon. All lycanthropes go into an uncontrollable rage and are fueled by a desire to hunt once per month (this will only be enforced during server wide events and will be announced prior, during which all players with the affliction will be forced to transform).