Clerics must be dedicated to the service of an individual deity within our approved Forgotten Realms pantheon. Additionally your Clerical Domain must match with your chosen deities portfolio. For example a cleric of Selune cannot be a Death Domain Cleric.
As such you are always under the watchful eye and scrutiny of your deity. Meaning you must follow their tenets, preachings, and otherwise represented their wishes on the material plane. Failure to do this will result in warning. Extreme cases or ones where forgiveness is not sought will result in the character be swapped to level 8 fighter and barred from returning to their particular clergy again.
Clerical Expulsion
When there is substantial evidence that one has gone against their deity's convictions, they are subject to being pulled into disputes. The player will be given a list of what exactly was broken in regards to their deities tenets and will receive a stacking Shaken debuff depending on the severity of their actions.
The player will be required to do a one week check in with screenshots of their roleplay. They will need to show how they are affected by breaking the laws of their deity throughout this week. There must be signs of penance given to their actions and how they are realizing and changing their ways to hold themselves accountable and for their deity to bestow them once more. If the player has gone against their deity's tenets to the point they receive four stacks of the Shaken debuff, they will be immediately stripped. Each week of penance must be focused on one aspect of the Cleric's specific convictions that was broken and must show how that has been amended.
Staff will read these over after it is submitted via a DM ticket. The player will be given a warning for the future at this time and the debuff will be removed if penance is accepted. If the same laws or convictions of the deity are broken again, or the Cleric has not cleared any of their Shaken stacks in a reasonable amount of time, the Cleric is liable to be stripped.​
All Paladins must adhere to the tenets of their given oath. These are all listed under each subclass' appropriate section. For example, an Oath of Glory Paladin believes in facing hardships with courage and encouraging others to do so. Meaning you are likely not to see one surrender a fight or run away just because things have gotten tough.
Paladins who go against the beliefs of their oath will receive a warning. Continued failure to meet the expectation for one's chosen subclass will result in the character losing access to their paladin abilities and becoming a level 8 fighter.​
Paladin Expulsion
When there is substantial evidence that one has gone against their tenets, they are subject to being pulled into disputes. The player will be given a list of what exactly was broken in regards to their Oath and will receive a stacking Shaken debuff depending on the severity of their actions.
The player will be required to do a one week check in with screenshots of their roleplay. They will need to show how they are affected by breaking their tenets, throughout this week. There must be signs of penance given to their actions and how they are realizing and changing their ways to hold themselves accountable. If the player has broken multiple tenets, each week of penance must be focused on one tenet and must show how that tenet has been amended.
Staff will read these over after it is submitted via a DM ticket. The player will be given a warning for the future at this time and the debuff will be removed if penance is accepted. If the same tenets are broken again, or the Paladin has not cleared any of their Shaken stacks in a reasonable amount of time, the Paladin is liable to be stripped.
When one has gone against their tenets for a substantial amount of time, they are liable to walk the path of the Oathbreaker. For those that have broken their oath, they may choose to go against any form of penance, and instead continue the path of selfish gain.
The player must show a reasonable amount of roleplay that shows the corruption of prior tenets. They will need to show how they are affected by the dissolution of their tenets, and story elements that show justification for doing so. Each week, the player wishing to go through this process will submit their roleplay via a DM ticket. Each week must be focused on one tenet and must show how that tenet has been corrupted. Staff will read these over after it is submitted.
If you receive Shaken debuffs for breaking your tenets without the explicit intention for Oathbreaker process, you will first have to go through penance for all of the stacks accrued and you will have to restart this process over again.
The player will be given feedback for the future at this time as well as another stack of the Shaken debuff. This process will continue until all four tenets have been corrupted. After a successful narrative journey, the subclass will be approved and an Oathbreaker will be created.
Please inquire in a DM ticket for more information on this process.
​​Players with afflictions are expected to be notable members of the community, and help drive narrative. This includes players who have been turned through IC means. Each affliction has listed drawbacks that should be adhered to at all times and followed within the spirit of their design. For example, vampires should still avoid the sun despite it not instantly destroying them as a roleplay concession. And should constantly crave blood and seek it out despite us generally not enforcing a strict policy on feeding. Lycanthropes should adhere to full moons and actively go into a blood-crazed state during them. Not only attacking their friends, or being caged up through the entire event.
Failure to be respectful towards other players, or follow the intention of your affliction can result in it being removed.
Bites and Repercussions
Players may find True Vampires or Greater Werewolves at their leisure to extend narratives as well as proffer for bites. When a bite is given to a character, subsequent roleplay will be submitted into a DM ticket. There, it will be reviewed and approved or denied.
While it is being voted on by Staff, a bitten character will have a debuff called Cursed (III). This works similar to Death’s Door. You are weakened by the ancient curse coursing through your veins, and as such you will be expected to roleplay as if you are in an exhausted and feeble state as your body tries to fight, or submit, to the curse.
After your application is approved or denied, the debuff will be removed. You may not roleplay as if you are already turned during the application process.