There are three situations in which items can be taken from other players. It is only allowed to steal items that are exclusive to the Halcyon House Mod from other players. This means base Conan games items, or items from other mods, are not to be taken. Including but not limited to: shapeshifts, RPR keys, and base game armor pieces.
You may attempt to pickpocket another so long as you have at least a +1 in Sleight of Hand. You must emote out the attempt prior to rolling your Sleight of Hand, after which anyone within sight of the attempt may roll Perception against the attempt to decide if they were able to see the action. If anyone rolls a Perception that is the same or higher than the Sleight of Hand, they may react to the thief's attempt. If the victim's Perception roll is equal to or greater than the thief's Sleight of Hand, they may take action and prevent the theft. Otherwise, all Perception rolls resolve after the action has taken place.​
You may only take 25 gold pieces from the victim, and you may only pickpocket a character once per day.
If your class features a Mage Hand, you may use it to pickpocket from 3 tiles away at a -4 Sleight of Hand modifier. This penalty does not apply to Arcane Tricksters.
Theft as a Consequence
Following a PvP, the victor may impose theft as a consequence during the Consequence Phase. When a player is searched, they must reveal any and all belongings they carry on them: currency, magical items, weapons, armor, potions, crafting materials, etc. Then, the thief may pick one of these things to take. Once the thief selects their options from the list below, they cannot take anything else and the consequences phase for the PvP is considered to be over.
The items and amount that can be taken are as follows:
Skirmish PvP:
Up to 300 gold
1x Tier 1 Potion
1x Tier 1 Armor
1x Non-magical weapon/tools & 1 full stack of ammo
1x Unattuned magic item (Excluding Spellbooks)
1x Minor Spellbook
30 of any crafting material (including letters)
Standard PvP:
Up to 600 gold
2x Potions, or 1x Tier 2 potion
1x Tier 2 or lower Armor
1x Non-magical weapon/tools & 2 full stacks of ammo
1x Magical weapon/tool
1x Unattuned magic item (Excluding Spellbooks)
1x Minor or Basic Spellbook
60 of any crafting material (including letters)
Subsequent PvP:
Up to 600 gold
2x Potions, or 1x Tier 3/2 potion
1x Tier 3 or lower Armor
1x Non-magical weapon/tools & 2 full stack of ammo(40)
1x Magical weapon/tool
1x Unattuned magic item (Excluding Spellbooks)
1x Magical Spellbook
60 of any crafting material (including letters)