The Story of Halcyon
Our setting current setting takes place in the year 1492 DR. The storyline is comprised of the events that have taken place on the server across our main storylines up until this point! More information will be added as the seasons progress. This can be used a general reference for those who's characters have lived within the world and would be somewhat in the know of current events.

The Troubles of Lordfall
Five years have passed since the end of the War of the Silver Marches, marking the year as 1490 DR. Everlund, once a prominent city within the region, has been reduced to a town, recovering from the toils of war.
For unknown reasons, the town's ruling body, the Council of Elders, has made the decision to pull themselves from the Lords' Alliance, the defensive pact of the major city-states of northern Faerûn. Such a ruling leaves Everlund vulnerable... giving confidence to factions and monsters in the area who have long slumbered. These troubles, and the opportunities of Everlund's economic rebirth, entice adventurers and people of all kinds to its surrounding lands.
As the town prepared for it's fifth annual festival of remembrance trouble began to brew. Caravans began to go missing. Outlying settlements began to to be raided. The Army of the Vale was sent to investigate, spreading themselves thin. Then a brazen attack against Everlund itself. The sky rained fire and orcish invaders rushed through the gates. With only a small garrison of forces left behind the defense of the town was largely left to those trapped within.
While many brave heroes were able to hold the line, eventually the overwhelming brutality of the orcish band began to wear on them. In a final act one of the remaining Knights of the Vale, Eilynore Ashpride, rallied those still able to fight and joined the fray. Helping to repel the invaders. To this day their names are forever immortalized on a monument within the city.
Nightingale, Zephyr Ixaar, Caladrius, Kargrax, Nynca, Cecil, Seraph, Vesper, Asbjorn Hardlsen, Zhal
Another memorial was erected nearby this time with the names of those who were lost, the countless hundreds who died on Everlund's smoldering streets or blissfully unaware within their own homes as it came crashing down around them.
Aizilei, Etsheyi, Zinyra, Frankies
Little motive could be gained from the attackers. As each fought to a brutal and final death for the glory of their god and warchief alike. A single named echoed through the streets of Everlund as it was rebuilt... Bloodtusk. Through the months that followed the attacks by this clan of orcs picked up frequency. Settlement after settlement within the area around Everlund was subject to their brutality. Some faired better than others, others simple fell to their might. Leading the charge of these incursions were Bloodtusk Lieutenants, demanding the subjugation of all under their leader Kargresh.
After numerous skirmishes and hard fought battles between the Army of the Vale and the citizens of the Silver Marches against the Bloodtusk clan their leader fled from Everlund to the east.

Fires of Revenge
After the final skirmishes with the Bloodtusk clan, their leader Kargresh was still missing. A relative peace had fallen over the lands around Everlund once again. Though, all did not set well with the Army of the Vale. Countless soldiers had fallen in the raids. Numerous innocents, friends, and family never to be seen again. After weeks of petitioning the Council of Elders a reply finally came. By decree of High Lady Alustriel Silverhand a force was to be led by Eilynore Ashpride of the Army of the Vale east into Hellkeep Dell. They were tasked primarily with securing the region for the Silver Marches, though for many it was a personal mission.
It has been several months since their departure. The confederation of forces now make up Ashpride's Legion who have established the fortification of Silvergarde within Hellgate Dell. Their presence has not gone unnoticed. The area has long been home to all manner of demon and evil being. As well as the Far Forest looming on the horizon.
Will you aid in the hunt for Kargresh? Perhaps find yourself caught helping some unexpected allies in their eternal war for the lower planes? Or will you side with those who already called this land home before the Silverymoon's decree?
Unveiled Serenity
The aftermath of Eilynore Ashpride's final confrontation with Kargresh left Hellgate Dell and its surroundings scarred, the victory achieved at a great cost. The lingering echoes of a pyrrhic triumph, however, were accompanied by the insidious rise of a dark force. Cults began to take root in the jungle ruins, casting a foreboding shadow over vital trade routes. As Silvergarde moved to it's new more fortified beginnings, Lady Ashpride hired local mercenaries to safeguard precious cargo shipments that were its lifeline - But, the mercenaries, once stalwart defenders, found themselves torn between duty and the growing allure of the enigmatic cults, threatening to fracture the stability Lady Ashpride fought so hard to establish.
Simultaneously, the tranquility of the Far Forest was disrupted as druids, once the stewards of the delicate balance between nature and civilization, grew restless. The once-guardian peacekeepers of the forest now regarded outsiders with suspicion, and the druids themselves distanced from their duties, perturbed by an unseen force that exploited the vulnerability left by the recent battle.
In the distant wastes, the departure of Isun, the eccentric merchant renowned for his magnificent wares, sounded an ominous note. His proclamation that the land had become too perilous hinted at dangers not fully understood by the inhabitants of Silvergarde. He designed to move to the oasis, gathering the Windseekers, to begin a movement of freedom and independance from both the lawful and lawless.
As the fortification grappled with the aftermath, a new, clandestine adversary moved in the shadows, weaving a tapestry of uncertainty over Silvergarde's future. The true test of resilience lay ahead, hidden in the ominous shadows that now clung to the heart of the once-proud outpost, casting doubt upon its fate. What dark designs did they harbor, and how would their insidious influence manifest and would Silvergarde be able to rebuild in time to survive it?
Amidst the evil machinations of the Brotherhood of the Labyrinthine Veil, New Ascalhorn and Silvergarde erupted into war. A conquest of who could take or defend the lands gripped all of those able to hold a sword or wield magic. And with much a toll, the victories would all end pyrrhic. For those beneath both banners soon would realize, the powers of New Ascalhorn had far worse in store for them. The Windstalker Lodge began the aid to Silvergarde with Stormguard and Mithral Enclaves joining soon after. To oppose the growing number of allies beneath the Silvergarde banner, the Shadow Hydra, Dragoncoin, and the Blackspire fought to further New Ascalhorn's agenda.
Marching forth into battle, divisions of Silvergarde valiantly fought with the those who would see the lands defended against evil. All color and creed banding together in unity, as one, setting aside difference to see Silvergarde, the Far Forest, and all of the Silver Marches protected. Their efforts were not in vain as they kept the forces of New Ascalhorn at bay. Ultimately, their sacrifices lessened what would have been a much graver toll. But, New Ascalhorn's divisions proved capable, extending their reach through the lands.
Soon, the truth was revealed. Portals began to open across the lands by the Fey'ri rulers, House Dlardrageth releasing trapped demons from portals beneath Hellgate Dell. They spared none who would not bend the knee. The lands devolved into chaos and ruin, despite the many of Silvergarde, the forces were too powerful. And in a final summoning, a horde of demons descended upon the Far Forest and unleashed a cataclysmic explosion of heinous magic destroying the land. Water rushed in, filling the voided space. Villages, towns, all sunken beneath the crashing wave, forever entombing the brave souls that stood stalwart in the face of evil.
From Ashes
Word quickly spread across the Silver Marches of the new found demonic incursion, known as the Ruinous Convergence. Organizations swept in to help push back the assault, many different faces from the Tall Tree druids to the Lord's Alliance came to lend their aid. The battle waged for days, it was hard fought but as the dust settled, the demons had been pushed back to the Abyss enough that life was able to reshape. Starting with the new carved out Far Forest, the druids healed her, mending her back into a landscape of glorious trees and wildlife.
The Windseekers, led by Isun, moved to establish a larger Oasis further southwest. Now a bustling small city, it's values remain the same. From the welcoming Coiling Serpent tavern to the market place, Isun designed to fill all of the Silver Marches needs. Ovius Alvarez helped defend the lands alongside the masses before returning to stay in the Oasis, his tower of knowledge open to all.
Up in the mountains, dwarves in the Ruins of Delzoun opened their otherwise closed off keep. Ushering weapons and aid down the mountain, they helped the righteous defend. Silvergarde unable to withstand the repeated open assaults took its people to the mountain, becoming refugees of the impenetrable fortress, leaving the city to it's demise. Now, the Ruins of Delzoun serves as a rallying point for the good of the land, a standing beacon of hope for those continuing to stand against the terrors of this world.
New Ascalhorn remained, the treacherous Fiends keeping the small hold they had and vowed to only reignite the flames. Those that had stood behind them so boldly splintered off into other nefarious organizations taking opportunistic root, finding themselves scorned by the blindsided demonic assault. Amidst the calamity, the cult only thrived. The masses of departing souls going missing, with none questioning how or why in such a hectic time. It was perfect, perfect for those ominous shadows to continue their bidding unabated for another day.
What will become of the Silver Marches as these organizations take root and rebuild the lands from ashes? What plans do these shadows have for the future? Only time will tell. . .
As the echoes of war fade further into memory, the Forest begins to heal, its scars slowly softening under the care of Nature. The Druids of the Tall Trees Grove return in force once more, striving to purify the land as they had in years past. Their rituals weave hope into the soil, but the question of whether their efforts will endure beyond a single generation, or will the cycle of ashes claim the land once more.
In the shadow of recovery, two settlements rise to prominence. From the ashes of Silvergarde emerges a new stronghold, named in tribute to a war hero whose name still inspires hope in the land. To the north at the skirts of the Nether Mountains, a new bastion stands tall. Its walls are a testament to the resilience and ambition of the inhabitants of these lands. Yet with their growth comes the mounting need of resources. Even the renowned Windseekers, heralded for being the mercantile center of the region, struggle to meet rising demands. Market stalls sit barren, and coin becomes a rare commodity. But scarcity is simply another word for demand, and where there is demand there is also opportunity for those industrious enough.
Meanwhile, the Labyrinthine Veil, a shadowy cabal of night hags and their cultists, have left a grim legacy of terror. Thousands were kidnapped, sacrificed, their very souls devoured to fuel the Veil’s dark ascendancy. The war ravaged land bore witness to their cruelty, as bastions of light flickered and faded into darkness, while trade houses flourished amidst the chaos. Yet, even in the face of such darkness, the Tall Trees grove called for Heroes. Hundreds heeded the call, rallying to to the Forest’s cause. Their sacred rituals filled the skies with earthly light as ancient powers awakened to push back the Veil’s corruption. Fierce battles erupted, and each fallen is immortalized in bardic song.
Now, the Veil lies broken, with their sinister influence scattered like ash on the wind. The Reclamation has begun. The forest stirs with life once more, green tendrils creeping over once barren land. But with the Veil’s fall comes an uneasy peace. Trade, ambition, and shadowed forces vie for power over the fractured realm. What lies ahead in this time of Recovery, what new powers shall rise in the lands?