Rules of Halcyon
These are the rules of Halcyon, which encompass how one should act and what expectations are placed upon them in Discord, during roleplay, during the character creation process, upon the Conan Exiles server itself, and in other areas. We want to do our best to cultivate our culture and make all of our players aware of our mindset as a team. For some of our guidelines and values, feel free to check out our Server Culture on our Discord.
Additional rules may be added as time goes on. If you have suggestions, questions, or believe we missed something, please make a suggestion in our Discord via the appropriate channel, or by submitting a Moderation ticket. We are always willing to listen and are here to help.
01 ― Be Respectful
All members of the community are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful manner. There will be a zero tolerance policy for toxicity and cruelty towards others. At the end of the day, this is everyone’s hobby. You may not always agree with someone else’s viewpoints but you are expected to disagree in a manner that is constructive or remain silent.
There will be no bashing of other individuals, regardless of if they are from our community or another. The talk of political, religious, and discriminative topics should have no place here. We are all adults; act as such.
We will not police private Discord servers or direct messages. We urge everyone to leave servers they do not agree with, or block people who they do not wish to contact as a first resort. If it is clear that harassment proves to be a problem and continues to take place over the course of multiple instances and reports then Halcyon Staff will review the issue on a case by case basis.
02 ― Adult Only Server
This is an adult only server and Discord. You agree that you are at least 18+ years old to join and participate. The mention of children on the server will be heavily scrutinized and due to most themes should not be brought up in situations.
You may not portray or even “pretend” that your character is anything but an adult. Anything that is reported concerning the relations of one of these characters with that of another race that encroaches upon pedophilia / age play will be punished severely. We will place trust in our playerbase and not allow a few bad apples to ruin the experience for everyone. You will be given the benefit of the doubt until suspicions arise. Do not abuse our trust.
03 ― NSFW Content
There is an NSFW section accessible through the NSFW role, which is accessible through Channels & Roles at the top of the Discord. Do not post such material anywhere else. We want people to be able to use the Discord wherever they may be.
On the topic of NSFW, keep the posts within reason. The staff will delete anything that is questionable or extreme, such as people looking like they could be underage, anything that causes harm to another person, or discrimination. If it doesn't follow Discord official rules, it will be deleted.
04 ― No Spamming/Mass Pinging
Do not spam channels in the Discord or posting content that is unrelated to the channel’s purpose. Furthermore, do not ping people en masse or ping others over and over even if it is your friend.
Pinging Staff is only allowed within tickets, and when a response has not been received for a reasonable amount of time (usually several hours).
05 ― No Rules Lawyering
As a player, it is not your duty to enforce or impose rules against other players. If you believe that someone is doing something incorrectly you may direct them towards the written rule a single time for the sake of education but you should not repeatedly do so over the course of a scene. At this point, the matter should be directed to staff via the ticket system.
Additionally, to avoid covering every single instance of possible use that could come up, many of the rules will be enforced with their spirit in mind and not solely their letter. Staff have the final say in this matter.
06 ― No Advertising
While you are not limited in the discussion of other communities or experiences, we do ask that you do not actively use any of our platforms as a means to solicit or entice others to join another server or community.
01 ― You Must Whitelist Your Character
You must fill out a whitelist and a consent form to play on the server. A whitelist ticket can be created when you're ready to create your character. Please see our Whitelist Guide for more information. Your consent sheet must be filled out in-game and can be found in the Roleplay Redux menu (Shift+R). Other players' consent sheets can be viewed by holding E on them and selecting the blue RPR Logo. Please make a habit of this.
02 ― Properly Portray Your Character
Your character's height and general thematic must fall in line with the racial standards presented on your chosen race's page. While we do allow some creative liberties you must stay in line with what is considered the norm for a given race. For example, you may not choose traits that exist within your race but are deemed as rare, such as Szarkai, winged kobolds, and winged tieflings.
Your character must have acceptable proportions that fit them. Just because the sliders can go that high does not mean you are allowed to utilize them. Many of these settings are open for smaller characters to be able to adjust their proportions. Hooves and Paws count towards your height total - make sure to go to spawn and measure yourself beneath the height bar to check if you are within height restrictions.
You must have a valid character name. It must be at least 3 characters or longer and should not include any special characters, symbols, or foreign languages. Character names cannot reference pop culture or real world celebrities and should not mirror any fictional characters from any existing content.
You may not roleplay your character as anything other than your chosen race. For example you may not select Orc and roleplay you are an Orog. Some races will have listed alterative origins, only these are accepted for use.
All characters must be adults within their culture, as well as the minimum age of 18.
Halcyon house mod RpR runes must be represented properly with ToT items. For example, a two handed greatsword must be displayed and flavored as a two handed greatsword. If you have a bag of holding you must display a bag on your person to represent such.
03 ― Rerolling/Shelving Characters
You may reroll once every two weeks. During the reroll process you may choose to shelf your character or retire them. To reroll, you open a reroll ticket and fill out the necessary information. Our whitelist staff will guide you from there.
Before rerolling, you must ensure that you are not active in any ongoing conflicts with other characters. A departure will be posted publicly, which will give other parties the chance to contest your reroll. If you are found to have ongoing conflict and choose to reroll anyway you will be placed back on your previous character and may receive further punishment.
If you have an affliction or an approved advanced race, and choose to shelf that character, you will not be able to un-shelf them without going through the approval process again. If you received your affliction through roleplay, the character that turned yours will need to have an available "turn" and be willing to grant it to you again or the character cannot be un-shelved. Additionally, "turns" are refunded to the affliction who turned your character once you shelf.
You are allowed 2 shelf slots. Patrons receive an additional 2 slots.
04 ― Reroll Contests
If a character you have ongoing conflict with chooses to reroll, you may contest that reroll for up to 48 hours after their departure has been posted. This is only to be done in situations where a reroll is being done directly after stirring issues with another party or being used to circumvent an incoming Character Kill (CK). If neither of these are true, please respect the other party's wishes to move on from the narrative. People in the Forgotten Realms slip away and often leave things unresolved. Your character can hold onto those resentments and develop themselves through other storylines while the other party departs.
You must provide screenshots of the situation and have a clear plan to resolve the narrative in a meaningful manner upon opening the Reroll Contest ticket.
05 ― One Character per Player
You may only whitelist and play one character at a time. That character may only be your currently approved and whitelisted character. If you are waiting for a whitelist or reroll ticket to get approved, you may not leave the spawn area.
You may not use alternative accounts to circumvent this process.
06 ― Character Visuals
Your ToT should fit the servers setting and remain within reasonable limits at all times. This includes, but is not limited to: having extremely modern styles, being a clear 1:1 cosplay of another character from media, or having over exaggerated and excessive accessories. This includes having any floating or detached objects from the main body of your character. These should be reserved for private spaces and away from the hub.
Additionally, you may not have any visible particle effects such as flames, smoke, very bright lights or otherwise on your character when in public settings outside of active PvP scenes. This is to respect the hardware available to other players when attending public spaces, or the hub. Making use of any combination of available items to make your character entirely invisible for any reason will result in a removal from the server.
01 ― You Are Always In-Character
If you are logged into Halcyon you are in character. You may not claim to be OOCly somewhere, avoid roleplay by going OOC, or attempt to dodge roleplay. If there are other players present and you wish to leave a scene, you must first provide an emote declaring that your character intends to leave and give reasonable time for a response to be given before running off.
Additionally you may only play your whitelisted character at any given time. Players may not take the role of an NPC. Alternatively players may request DMNPC Encounters for their adventuring needs.
Spawn is the only area that is considered OOC.
02 ― Keep Scenes Rolling
Scenes are expected to continue even in the event there are disputed actions or issues. Make a ticket and post the necessary screenshots of logs - staff will review when able and issue a ruling.
03 ― No Metagaming
Metagaming is utilizing knowledge gained OOCly through any avenue (I.e.discord, voice chats, whisper channels etc.) in character.
Additionally, your current and future or past characters may not interact with one another by any means. This includes using another party as a go between. Information, knowledge, and storylines should not be continued after a re-roll unless the new character is properly introduced to the narrative through acceptable means via the server.
04 ― No Powergaming/Godmodding
Godmodding and powergaming are strictly forbidden. Godmodding is doing an action for another player. Powergaming is forcing them to do an action. Things like ignoring PvP intents or forcing a character unconscious are examples. Additionally, you may not roleplay having an item you do not have, or one that has an effect on another player that is not actively supported via our systems. For example, saying you contact someone with a sending stone, or stating you possess a Bag of Holding when you do not actually have the item.
05 ― Respect Consent Sheets
Adult themed content is consent based on Halcyon. As such, we expect our players to thoroughly communicate consent in regards to explicit materials. Failure to respect players' consents will result in administrative action. Consent is required for sexually explicit roleplay, overly graphic violence, as well as capture and imprisonment. You cannot use consent to avoid consequences in game that are delivered through our PvP system (wounding, maiming, etc.). You may request a fade-to-black for the details of the scene though, and such a request must be honored, but the results will still be in effect.
Consent is mirrored. If you enact graphic violence on other players, you may not claim it is against your consent if it is attempted on you.
06 ― No Child-like Characters or Behavior
Our server does not support or promote this sort of roleplay. Acting childlike or having a childlike appearing character will result in character retirement. All characters are expect to be mature and act as adults. Referring to other characters in a way that implies a parental dependency will not be allowed.
07 ― No Mention of Children or Pregnancy
Children and pregnancies will not be allowed to be actively roleplayed on the server. Roleplaying being pregnant, giving birth, or having/roleplaying as a child is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
08 ― Keep Adult Themes Private
We are an adult RP server. There will be sex and other adult themes, however, it should be done in private places. Sexual roleplay of any kind (this can include the presentation of genitals in a manner that implies sexual activity) should not be done in public places, where someone who has not consented to the roleplay may stumble across it unwittingly without the opportunity to opt out. Example areas would be immediately around warps, or areas that are considered open to the public. This does not include areas that are reasonably isolated and private builds. This kind of roleplay should be done in mumble or whisper chat to avoid instances of accidental exposure.
09 ― /Act Policy
You may use /act to alter your display name while on the server following these rules:
1. It must include a descriptor that ties to you (i.e. red scarf, green shoes, lion insignia) while having your character's face hidden from view.
2. It must not include basic vague descriptions (I.e. shroud, shadow, unknown, entity etc)
3. You may only have ONE alias (an alias is an alternate name you go by.)
4. You may shorten your full name to a shorter nickname. (I.e. Charles Darwin to Charlie)
5. While under the effects of the Disguise Self spell, you may have a temporary alias that is not the same as your registered one. This must still follow proper alias rules (ex: Bob, Terry, Jason, not 'Stygian Doomlord'.)
Examples of /acts: Crimson Silken Wanderer, White Cowled Cleric, Brass Lion Knight
10 ― LFRP Policy
If you are utilizing the LFRP feature, you must only list yourself accurately. You may not list as Solo when you have a group regardless of if they are waiting in ambush or otherwise. Other people approaching your LFRP marker do not have to respect what you have listed as what you are looking for, but you must be truthful to what you are listing yourself as.
Once you find RP, you must turn off your LFRP marker unless you are utilizing it as the host of an active tavern/similar non-hostile venue to draw players. In this case, a single LFRP marker is allowed to stay active to promote RP unless hostilities arise, in which case it must also be turned off regardless of if they are directed at the host or not.
If you are broadcasting yourself as a Duo, Trio, Group (4), or Group (5) and a group arrives to confront you. Regardless of who is present when they arrive, if your LFRP was still displaying you are limited to entering the PvP with only 2, 3, 4, or 5 combatants respectively.
11 ― English Only in IC Chat
All chat typed by a player in dialogue or emotes must be done in English. Characters speaking different languages must make use of the scripted languages available to their characters. You may not use any online translators to supplement a language.
The only exception are flavor words for spell incantations which should be brief words of power.
12 ― Capture/Imprisonment Policy
If another player is taken prisoner as a consequence, they are only subject to remain imprisoned for the duration of the roleplay. Scenes involving the capture of another player should be discussed with both parties OOC and either an agreement for long-term capture needs to be accepted by both sides or the captured player is free to /home and exit the scene after a half hour of not receiving roleplay.
If you agree to long-term imprisonment, you must honor that agreement for 24 hours. Once that amount of time has passed, you may choose to /home after 30 minutes of failing to receive any direct roleplay from your captor. It will be assumed a way to escape was found even if it does not entirely make sense.
13 ― Teleportation Circle Guidelines
Teleportation Circles are defined as any RPR waypoint created, and marked on the map with a blue icon. Teleportation Circles are created In-Character, either by NPCs in the case of the base network or by players to join the network.
All Teleportation Circles require the use of a custom runic sequence to activate. This is a visible phenomenon that other players within range may see. Due to the limitations of RPR the print text for using a waypoint defaults to a large range. As such you may not use the print text as In-Character information unless your character visibly had sight of the character using the waypoint. In which case you may take the input of the location as knowledge your character has and follow if you so desire.
When adding your Teleportation Circle to the main network it is assumed that your runic sequence is made public knowledge within the hub's library for any to access. You may not make a Teleportation Circle connected to the main network without doing this. The only exception are base wormholes.
Players may not linger at Teleportation Circles with the intention of interacting with anyone who comes through them. However, if you are present at a Teleportation Circle through roleplay and another party appears, you may engage with them as they are not safe zones. For example, you are traveling to use the Far Forest Teleportation Circle and someone comes through as you arrive. That person is not exempt from being roleplayed with and should proceed IC.
If conflict, specifically PvP, is to take place due to a bumping into at Teleportation Circles, parties should, as an OOC courtesy to others, move at least 25 tiles from the Teleportation Circle to engage in their combat as to not immediately drop others into the scene when using the waypoint. You may follow a player through a waypoint and engage with them as normal. Waypoints are not Safe Zones.
14 ― Do Not Abuse Climbing
You may climb walls by rolling a successful Athletics check and take a full-screen screenshot as evidence in case of entry. A one tile climb has a set DC of 10 and will go up by 2 for every additional tile thereafter.
15 ― Only Use Warps as an OOC Convenience
You are not allowed to use any teleport, warp, or /home during combat or to avoid conflict. Such as leaving the scene of a PvP or other roleplay. This is to give others a fair chance to interact with you. This includes using /home or /warp Oasis to make it to a scene in progress. If any of these are used you will be removed from the scene out of fairness to the other party.
16 ― Muling/Grandfathering Items
When a character is shelved or retired, any items in their possession must be shelved with them or deleted. The only exception is that items you do not wish to shelf, or delete may be given out to characters that yours has significant enough roleplay with prior to justify the cost of said items. For example, you may not find a random player in the hub and give them all of your magical items because you are deleting your character. Items left to other players must be done through roleplay, and if requested evidence must be provided of this roleplay to staff.
Additionally any items given away by one of your characters cannot ever find a roleplay reason to be given back to your new character. If anyone is found to be transferring items between their characters, or unloading them to OOC friends before a re-roll the inventory of all involved parties will be wiped clean. As well as any clan storages if they were used to facilitate the transfer.
17 ― No Streaming Roleplay outside of PvP
Streaming of your play on the server is prohibited. This includes to discords with friends. The sole exception to this, being if you are in active scene locked PvP. In which case you may stream for entertainment. If you are caught streaming non-locked scenes or situations where the information can be used to metgame your character's location. Anyone who arrives at your location (including if you have an LFRP up at the time) will be struck for metagame.
18 ― Hiding Limbs/Racial Features
You are not allowed to hide tails, horns or paws without using disguise self.
19 ― RpR Abilities Outside of Combat
You are not allowed to use RpR abilities such as combat spells, combat item abilities, and teleportations outside of combat. Flavor spells are allowed as long as they do not add any mechanical benefit within the scene, and as long as everyone within the scene consents. Healing spells and Rituals are excluded from this rule.
20 ― Distribution of Wealth
Due to the nature of our system players often find themselves with excess items that cannot be shelved and otherwise must be discarded upon re-rolling, or with funds and items they otherwise have no use for over the course of a season.
Characters may not off-load large sums of their wealth to characters they have little to no roleplay and narrative with. This is to maintain a healthy and logical sense of the world as well as preserve the sense of new characters to work their way into earnings instead of being gifted everything.
If reported, the value of items gifted to characters will be weighted against the roleplay between the parties to see if it makes sense to receive such a thing. If the amount is seen as too illogical the items/gold will be deleted and both parties will be subject to further punishment.
For reference a character can live a modest lifestyle for the cost of 1gp a day, or an extremely high class aristocratic lifestyle for 10gp a day minus additional expenses. A 5,000gp magic item is the same as a year of living a lavish lifestyle and shouldn't be taken lightly.
01 ― You Must Be in a Clan
You must be in a Conan clan once you leave the starting area. Even if you are a solo player. If you are not in a clan, any builds you make will be deleted without warning when they are found and items will not be refunded.
02 ― Building Restrictions
The maximum clan size is 15. Building restrictions are as follows:
1-2 Players ― 600 Building Pieces | 200 Decorations
3-5 Players ― 1500 Building Pieces | 500 Decorations
6-9 Players ― 2700 Building Pieces | 900 Decorations
10-12 Players ― 3000 Building Pieces | 1200 Decorations
13-15 Players ― 3800 Building Pieces | 1500 Decorations
03 ― Fit the Setting
Your build should follow realistic design and fit the setting. Your build should not resemble a typical Conan survival base. Builds will be reviewed and audited on a case by case basis. Do not stack foundations excessively - you may stack them to solve landscaping issues or stability in moderation. If you are concerned you are in excess, simply open a ticket and ask for a review.
04 ― Distance Yourself
Your build should be a reasonable distance away from others; stay out of render distance of other builds, especially if you have a large clan build. This helps with player and server performance in these areas. Staff will review on a case by case basis.
05 ― One Build per Clan
You may only have one build per clan. A build may not extend through teleports.
06 ― No Land Claiming
You may not place down foundations or other building pieces to claim land for yourself or your clan to use later. You may place down outlines and markers while you are actively building, but they may not remain after you have logged out or more than 12 hours have passed. These will be deleted when found.
07 ― Build Away from Important Locations
You may not build in a way that blocks access to any location used by our scripted professions or systems. Areas such as resource locations, boss summons, or quest locations.
When building in the Underdark you may not build in a way that will block access to the warps that interconnect it.
Moreover, do not build in the following zones, as they are used for our main hubs:

08 ― Your Build Must Be Accessible
Your build must be accessible. In the cases of a base having an arcane lock, the majority of your base and public spaces must be accessible. It may be used to secure strictly private sections of the base, but cannot be the only entrance to the entire base. If it is found to be inaccessible or purposefully hinders access, it is ticketable and will require alteration.
09 ― No Honeycombing or Airlocking
No air-locking or honeycombing (putting an obnoxious amount of doors to make break-ins harder).
10 ― Mounts/Pets Must Be Labeled
Any pets or mounts found obstructing spawn, hubs, or bases without names will be subject to the void. Make sure you have them properly named so you can be reached to collect them.
11 ― Do Not Leave Bedrolls Outside of Your Build
Do not use bedrolls. If they are found, they will be deleted.
12 ― Clan Names Must Be Serious
Clan names must be serious in nature and fit the setting. Fitting puns or realistic wordplay is acceptable.
13 ― Limit Vegetation Use
Due to taxing server performance, trees are limited. You are limited to 5 fantasy trees/Exiles Extreme per 5 members of your clan. A clan of 1-9 may have 5 trees. A clan of 10-14 may have 10 trees and a clan of 15 may have 15 trees. If we have to count to audit your trees we will delete all of them in the process. Highmane’s trees and other default Conan trees may be used in moderation. Excessive trees will be removed by staff when necessary.
Regardless of amount, if your build is causing lag for players, you will be asked to remove excessively placed objects like mushrooms, shrugs, flowers, etc.
14 ― Stay Within Bounds
Our server mod removes the green barrier on the edges of the map. Do not build outside of bounds. If your build is found outside of the bounds it will be removed. Additionally, do not build within the far southern desert portion of the map. This directly impacts server performance and should be avoided.
15 ― Building Audits
After two weeks of inactivity, your base will be subject to removal. Regular build audits will be conducted and if your base is not in compliance with activity or limits you will be ticketed to make the proper adjustments.
16 ― Limit Chests
Limit the usage of items and decorations with inventories. When possible, always use the (Decoration) version of placables. There should be no use for base Conan crafting stations on our server. Refined materials can be gained via a kit when building.
Additionally you should only have one storage container per person in your clan, as well as one general storage container for communal use.
01 ― PvP Intent Must Be Declared
Any actions that require you to target another player means you must use the PvP Intent RPR ability and type in Spar, Skirmish, Normal, Character Kill Attempt in conjunction with their first hostile action. The defender then has the choice to Join, Surrender, or escalate from a Skirmish to a normal PvP should they desire and the situation allows. You may only join when seeing the PvP intent text.
Any actions that require you to target another player with a spell or ability are considered hostile without prior, express permission or consent. A simple unarmed strike is also a hostile action.
When hostile action is taken against you, you may (PvP Accept) and are automatically the defender.
02 ― You May Declare Skirmish or Normal PvP
Two types of PvP can be selected upon declaring combat Intent: skirmish and normal.
Skirmish is for PvP with light consequences, such as sparring, robbing someone for common items, or a simple bar fight. Any PvP done within a hub is automatically considered to be a skirmish. Light consequences are those that are not long-lasting. You may not mutilate, amputate, curse, disease, or capture without explicit consent from the opposing player(s) during the consequences phase of a skirmish.
Normal PvP, simply referred to as PvP, concludes with normal consequences.
03 ― Reasonable Odds
The subject of a PvP intent may call for reasonable odds. This reduces the aggressors to +1 (2v1, 3v2, 4v3). Defenders must put up a fight if they join the intent. Additional aggressors unable to participate may observe and rejoin the scene once consequences have concluded.
04 ― Even Odds
When PvP intent is declared within a clan's base, a member of the clan may call for Even Odds. This requires the number of combatants on both sides to be equal. Additional members from either side are unable to participate and may observe the scene. Rejoining only once the consequences have concluded.
When inside a clan's base and Even Odds are called by the opposing side, the defending clan may instead choose to invoke Reasonable Odds in their favor. Adding up to two additional defenders to their side. This still caps at 5 combatants on either side.
If everyone involved in the PvP agrees, the defenders may request members of their clan who are able return to or log in to aid with the defense to allow more invaders to take part instead of setting out entirely.
In all scenarios you must have least three people PvPing on your side to call Even Odds. Otherwise Reasonable Odds may be call when applicable.
05 ― PvP is Instanced
Once PvP has been declared, the area and those involved are instanced. Only those within the instance may interact with those inside. If you did not see the initial PvP intent and join/observe, you must leave the area.
06 ― You May Attempt to Flee Combat
In combat, any parties may choose to attempt to leave combat by using the Flee button in RPR. At the end of fleeing party's turn they receive 1 turn of fleeing if they did not take damage in the previous turn cycle. This includes the turn they started fleeing. For example, if Rogue 1 starts to flee and begins to run, but had taken damage from Paladin 2 prior to that, they do not get credit for fleeing that turn.
When a player chooses to flee, they must be moving from the start of their turn and must use their maximum movement speed. Objects cannot be interacted with, otherwise it will require the player to end Flee. Actions taken by the fleeing party are limited to self target buffs that would aid in their escape. Such as, but not limited to: Misty Step, Jump, Invisibility, etc.
If damage is done by the fleeing party they must immediately use stop fleeing and stun themselves.
07 ― Consequence Phase Ends PvP
When ending combat, a list of options are given in the PvP Consequences tag (you may have to refresh your RPR). A victor may choose to inflict any in the RPR list, magical curses if the character has access to any, or a theft. Severe consequences such as maiming may not be done on the first encounter. Victors may move the losing party to a separate space within the same grid square to enact consequences - this is considered a temporary capture and not consequence stacking.
The victors must be given a reasonable amount of time to leave the scene before being engaged again.
08 ― You May Not Have Active Buffs Outside of PvP
No spells that put a status over the character’s head are allowed outside of combat. This includes potions as well.
09 ― Pre-Buffs
When initiative is rolled, there is a choice between drawing weapons (and shield) or casting a singular buff that is self-targeted and not a potion or a weapon buff.
10 ― Doors in PvP
Doors in an active PvP require an action to be opened. If they are to be opened, they must be unlocked. It takes an action to lock a door. A door may have its lock picked with thieves’ tools, or be breached, as an action. If a door was not locked with an emote during the scene leading up to PvP, it is considered unlocked. Doors may not be locked/barred from the inside.
11 ― Fall Damage
Fall damage is 1d6 per tile of descent. If the user is capable of flight and not restrained, they do not take fall damage.
12 ― Flying
If the character is capable of flight, they will float back to the ground safely at the end of their movement. You may not take actions (such as making an attack, using an ability or casting a spell) while suspended in mid air.
13 ― Line of Sight
To hit a character with an attack or spell that requires sight, they must be able to see ½ of the character. Spells that list the target is a point you may see do not require you to target another player with it and can be used to AoE the ground.
14 ― Lack of Regard for Well-Being
If a character clearly shows that they do not value their life, they will have their rights to skirmish consequences removed. Reactions to threats should be taken seriously and roleplayed properly. If a player continues to fail to do so a dispute may be opened to request higher consequences.
15 ― Character Kills (CKs)
A Character Kill (CK) ticket must be submitted to end another character’s life. It requires strong narrative reasoning and screenshots to be approved. Applications are highly scrutinized in review by staff.
CKs may only be made at the end of a combat, in the Consequences Phase, for PvPs that were started with /pvp CK and also have an approved CK application.
When a character is killed, they may no longer be played and are forced to perform a reroll that is exempt from the 2 week timer.
If the one that initiated combat is defeated, they may be CK’d in response. Anyone involved in the PvP may be given severe consequences even if it is a first down.
Involvement in a CK fight serves as strong evidence for a CK against your own character.
16 ― Long/Short Rest
Long and short rests in RPR when you are emoting are exactly that. You should not be using them to quickly regain things. You must be out of combat for at least 30 minutes to use short rest. A long rest may only be taken at the start or end of a roleplay session and should not be done in public. If you have forgotten to do this, you may request permission to do so from those around you and if they do not mind, you may long rest.
17 ― Max Encounter Size
Due to the time commitment that is required to go through large involvement PvPs. Organic world conflict, such as what you find at LFRPs or a group you happen to come across without prior OOC communication and arrangement, are limited to 5v5. Larger PvPs need to be discussed with participants ahead of time to allow appropriate OOC arrangements to be made and time set aside.
If participants agree extras over the 5 cap on either side can split into secondary instances and move away to have their own encounter.
01 ― No PvP within the Hubs
Any PvP intents dropped in NPC hubs will have them move outside via suspension of disbelief due to the authorities therein.
02 ― Call for Aid
Hated Races (red borders) and afflictions are exempt from the skirmish cons of PvP Rule #2 when PvP is initiated inside of the Windseekers Oasis. If they are blatantly showing their race/affliction and are the aggressor, a call for aid may be made by the defender.
A shout with (Call for Aid) at the end of it may be given and emotes of (PvP Join) may be offered in return by any that see the call for aid. You may only join the defender’s side in a call for aid.
03 ― No Wildshapes Within Hubs
Wild animals would not be allowed to freely roam around the hubs and would be moderated by the guards. Druids should refrain from using these while visiting any of the hubs, the exception being mundane animals such as the Horse, Chicken, Tavern Cat, or Raven.
04 ― Hub Notice Board Policy
When posting notices on notice boards, you must adhere to some rules to avoid being ticketed and/or having your notice removed.
You may not post anonymous notices within the primary hub(s). Anonymous notices may be posted on all other boards.
You may only remove notices from boards you own.
Anything you post upon a notice board within the hub(s) must be sensible in nature. Trollish OOC notices will be removed, as well as notices that go against the authorities of the Windseekers Oasis.
Within the hub, you may not post a Call-to-Arms, as they would be immediately reviewed and removed by authorities who want nothing to do with such matters and potential rumormongering. This is defined as a rallying of people to attack and defeat a foe, or a "witch hunt" against a specific person or group of people.
05 ― Hub Notice Board Policy
The Windseekers Oasis is a true neutral place for those to come and conduct affairs in peace. The hub is used for all players as a space to access amenities. Attempting to use rallying or call to arms to dissuade their access to said amenities is frowned upon. Rallying or call to arms to disturb the peace will be met with guards removing you. Multiple reported instances will see you barred from the use of amenities. All narrative quarrels should be moved outside as if the guards asked you to leave to settle your business. If players have valid cause and justification for PvPing a player, such as a CK attempt, they may still drop the intent and be moved outside of the Oasis to conduct the PvP.
01 ― Adhere to Market Trader Standards
If you do not adhere to the following stipulations, your trader may be deleted without warning.
Each clan is allowed one single trader within The Oasis market.
Each trader must have an RP appropriate name for their race and include [CLAN NAME] at the end.
Each trader must have an appearance that is as basic as possible. No accessories outside of simple race-identifying ones such as ears.
Sell prices may not be higher than the sell price offered by the Windseeker Representative. This includes magical items.
You must keep your trader stocked with items.
Keep reasonable space between traders for interaction purposes.
You may make an item's sell price 9,999 gold in order to hold items you are purchasing via your trader. Please make sure to clear the stacks out in a timely manner.
Your trader's race must be common or uncommon. No other races.
Banking items and gold is prohibited - please keep your trader tidy!
Your trader may not have an animation or emote.
02 ― Do Not Steal Market Wares from Fellow Clan Members
You may not utilize your position in a clan to steal items from a clan market. This means that, unless you have permission and the go-ahead from whoever placed an item inside of your merchant, you may not withdraw it for your own ends. Make sure to talk to the relevant individuals first and foremost.
03 ― You may not Buy/Receive Letters at your Market Trader
Traders within the Market may not be set to purchase letters, parchment, or sealed letters. Any found doing so are subject to deletion and loss of all items inside without refund.
01 ― Breaching and Lockpicking doors
Doors may be breached in-game via using breaching and lockpicking mechanics. POI's must be left when a door is breached successful or failure
02 ― Do not steal items from Inventories
No items are allowed to be stolen from inventories when a breaking and entering has been performed.
03 ― Breaching is a hostile action
Breaching is a hostile action when performed and you may (PvP Accept) and are automatically the defender.
01 ― Strategic Points
Defenders may only place up to 5 defenders on, or near, a strategic point when they plan to begin production. No other members of the Organization or lingering allies may be in the area. Defenders much remain within ten tiles of the flag while production is taking place. They are expected to be roleplaying attending to the duties of the point. (The mine mines ore, the arcane tower performs rituals to generate residue, etc...)
Attackers may only bring up to 5 attackers to the strategic point to engage defenders. No other members of the Organization or their allies may come with them. PvP intent must be dropped before the point completes it's production or defenders may claim the reward and then resolve PvP after. (Minimum of 5 minutes after contact is made)
You may not approach a point while it is in production if you have no intention of attacking the defenders for the resource.
02 ― Consequences
During Conquest Events, including Strategic Point battles, no additional consequences may be applied after the PvP concludes.
03 ― Conquest Points
If you start production on a Conquest Point you are locked to the group size that was present when the point was activated. If your allies arrive after the point was started they may not join you in defense.
If you arrive at a Conquest Point and realize you do not wish to engage with the current defenders. You must leave the area immediately to make it clear no fight is going on or the point is not already occupied from a glance.
The first group to arrive to a defended point has rights to declare themselves the attackers. Attackers may declare PvP on the Defenders (which is the group that was present when the point was activated). No other new arrivals may join them.