Races of Halcyon
A visit to one of the great cities of the Forgotten Realms—Waterdeep, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter, Silverymoon—overwhelms the senses. Voices chatter in countless different languages. The smells of cooking in dozens of different cuisines mingle with the odors of crowded streets and poor sanitation. Buildings in myriad architectural styles display the diverse origins of their inhabitants.
And the people themselves—people of varying size, shape, and color, dressed in a dazzling spectrum of styles and hues—represent many different races, from diminutive halflings and stout dwarves to majestically beautiful elves, mingling among a variety of human ethnicities.
Scattered among these common peoples are less numerous folk: a hulking dragonborn here, pushing his way through the crowd, and a sly tiefling there, lurking in the shadows with mischief in her eyes. A group of gnomes laughs as one of them activates a clever wooden toy that moves of its own accord. Half-elves and half-orcs live and work alongside humans, without fully belonging to the races of either of their parents. And there, well out of the sunlight, is a lone drow—a fugitive from the subterranean expanse of the Underdark, trying to make his way in a world that fears his kind.
Common Races
The common races of the Forgotten Realms are plentiful and numerous, filling most governmental bodies and authoritative positions. Society, more often than not, is more accommodating to them, for they are the most familiar and the overwhelming majority.
Keep in mind that these races have privileges afforded to them that others in different racial categories do not. It is up to you whether you take advantage of such privileges and treat those who do not as less-than, or if you extend sympathy and compassion to them.
High Elf
Wood Elf
Uncommon Races
Though they are a less common sight than their counter parts, it would not take much searching to spot one of these races roaming the Forgotten Realms. They are largely accepted within most civilized places, save for those where their own actions have driven people to hostilities. For the most part, people of these races keep to themselves or stay within their own communities and live out their lives away from the hustle and bustle that the rest of the world is so privy to.
Some might hold particular feelings towards these races, feeling that they have wronged them or their ancestors in the past, or perhaps they are just too foreign to be accepted into certain circles. Their life is not a difficult one in the context of privileges provided to most civilized races, but they are looked at with a cautionary eye by some.
Genasi (Air)
Genasi (Water)
Genasi (Earth)
Sea Elf
Genasi (fire)
Outcast Races
Whether they hail from cultures outside the boundaries of civilization, are the offspring of a taboo pairing, or are the product of otherworldly influences that mark them as strange or grotesque to the commonfolk of the Forgotten Realms, there are a great many races that are treated less-than for their peculiarity and lack of numbers.
While the every day adventurer may not scorn them, the authorities and high powers often view them with distrust, or simply consider them an afterthought to the majority. Intentional or otherwise, they are usually thrust headfirst into poverty beyond that of the common races, though a seldom few do manage to claw their way from the disadvantages placed upon them at birth.
Keep in mind that these races may not have had an easy life, or if they have, there should be a reason for it. How they react to others more privileged should also be given thought. Are they bitter? Are they envious? Are they content or indifferent? Such detail is yours to craft.
Advanced Races
Beyond those who lay on the fringe of society, there are beings that are seldom seen, tied to the world in ways that very few know. Their intricacies are notable, enwrapped in the deepest histories of the Forgotten Realms.
While not necessarily more powerful than the other, more well-known races of the lands, Advanced Races may have unique qualities to them. To the other races of the Forgotten Realms, these individuals may be mistaken as another, more prevalent people, or may be seen as something wholly alien and unknown, bringing forth reactions of curiosity or extreme wariness.
These races are all Application Only and may not gain Afflictions excluding Soul-Wight! You must submit a DM ticket and have it approved prior to playing one. Some have limited slots. Players are expected to know the lore and adhere to it, failure to do so may result in retirement.
Astral Elf
Hated Races
There are those that wish to thrive, or exist, within the boundaries of civilization, and then there are those who wish to take from it to better their own ways of life. Often categorized as "monsters" to the civilized folk of the Forgotten Realms, the races aligned with darker powers or what the majority find to be more bestial cultures are met with aggression by the authorities of the civilized world, making their lives far more difficult and dangerous than any other collection of races.​
If you wish to play a Hated Race, please submit a Hated Race Whitelist Ticket via our Discord. It is the same as every other whitelist with the added stipulation of being presented with an accompanying clause that must be agreed to:
Do you plan on adhering to the historical tendencies of this race?
Should you act outside the historical tendencies of your chosen Hated Race, your character may be subject to retirement. You agree to this, and acknowledge you are aware of this higher level of expectation upon being officially whitelisted with this character. The only worthy callout as an exception to this ruling are Eilistraeen drow; they are allowed to deviate from the norm for their race.
Furthermore, you are hereby acknowledging that your character may be subject to higher levels of aggression due to the nature of your race within the setting. You are also aware that you do not have access to the same facilities as other non-hated races and will have to disguise one's self or navigate to other areas in order to conduct your business in peace.
Characters are expected to treat these races with an increased level of disdain and distrust unless their personal backstory warrants a change of that treatment, especially for Common and Uncommon races. Most people do not interact with these races often and have only heard horror stories of their transgressions. They are not welcomed in civilized areas for a reason.