Bonded with forge and anvil, blacksmiths are metalworkers that fashion weapons and armor using a variety of tools and quenching techniques, making them a common stop for most adventurers and a necessary employment for local militias. The more advanced of the trade are able to utilize silver and magic in their crafting.
You know how to smelt basic ores into usable ingots. As a novice blacksmith, you are able to create steel ingots. This requires 2 pieces of iron ore.
You are a metallurgist capable of forging an assortment of weapons and armor. To successfully make a creation, you must pass its corresponding DC based off a 1d20 + Blacksmith Level + STR roll. This is replaced by a 1d20 + Blacksmith Level + DEX roll for glass vials.
Advanced Smelting
Requires Blacksmithing: Adept
You know how to smelt additional ore such as silver into usable ingots. This requires 2 pieces of silver ore.
Weapon Plating
Requires Blacksmithing: Adept
You may now plate metal weapons with silver. This requires the complete weapon and a single silver ingot. On a failed attempt, only the silver ingot is lost. Plating a weapon in silver increases the crafting DC by 1.
Arcane Infusion
Requires Blacksmithing: Expert
You may now re-forge metal weapons with magical energies, granting them a +1 bonus to Attack Bonus and bypassing any physical damage resistances on the target. Harvesting weapons, such as pickaxes and sickles, also receive a +1 to their respective gathering. This requires the complete weapon and 20 Arcane Residue. On a failed attempt, only the Arcane Residue is lost. Enhancements of this nature increase the crafting DC by 2 and are subject to a 1d20 + Arcana roll in order to pass it.

Glass Vial

DC 10
Basic item required by Apothecaries.
2x Sand

DC 11 - One Handed
1d4 Piercing damage. Finesse.
+2 Skinning
2x Steel Ingot
1x Weapon Handle

DC 12 - One Handed
1d6 Piercing damage. Finesse.
4x Steel Ingot
1x Weapon Handle
Caltrops (8x)

DC 11 - Ammo
Used to slow targets down.
4x Steel Ingot

DC 12 - One Handed
1d6 Bludgeoning damage.
4x Steel Ingot
1x Weapon Handle

DC 12 - One Handed
1d4 Slashing damage
+2 Herbalism.
2x Steel Ingot
1x Weapon Handle
Throwing Knives (x10)

DC 11 - Ammo
Thrown Weapon.
6x Steel Ingot

DC 12 - One Handed
1d4 Piercing damage.
+2 Mining
2x Steel Ingot
1x Weapon Handle

DC 12 - One Handed
1d6 Piercing damage.
4x Steel Ingot
1x Weapon Handle

DC 13 - One Handed
1d8 Slashing damage
+2 Logging
4x Steel Ingot
1x Weapon Handle

DC 13 - One Handed
1d8 Slashing damage.
5x Steel Ingot
1x Weapon Handle

DC 13 - One Handed
1d8 Piercing damage. Finesse.
5x Steel Ingot
1x Weapon Handle

DC 13- Two Handed
1d12 Slashing damage.
8x Steel Ingot
1x Weapon Handle

DC 13 - Two Handed
1d10 Slashing damage. Reach.
8x Steel Ingot
1x Weapon Handle
Chain Shirt

DC 13 - Medium Armor
AC 13 + DEX (max 2)
8x Steel Ingot

DC 14 - Two Handed
1d10 Bludgeoning damage.
6x Steel Ingot
1x Weapon Handle

DC 14 - Heavy Armor
AC 16
10x Steel Ingot
Scale Mail

DC 14 - Medium Armor
AC 14 + DEX (max 2)
10x Steel Ingot
1x Chain Shirt*

DC 15 - Two Handed
1d10 Slashing damage. Finesse.
10x Steel Ingot
1x Weapon Handle

DC 15 - Two Handed
2d6 Slashing damage.
10x Steel Ingot
1x Weapon Handle