Season 5 Player Guide
This guide was made to help someone new to the server jump in and find their way around the primary locations that were constructed by staff that tie into systems, mechanics, and the server story. It will not provide handholding for every process, but it should give you enough to figure most things out on your own!
Connecting to the Server
Boot up that good ole Conan Exiles and be sure to connect to the multiplayer server for Halcyon D&D using our Server IP and our mod collection. Both can be found on our Server Info page. Use Conan's Direct Connect functionality, and if the bubbles reinitialize 3-5 times, end the attempt and retry the Direct Connect. Conan multiplayer servers are not meant to house as many players as we do, so it can be hard to connect sometimes!
When you first connect, you will be sent into the character creation menu for Conan Exiles. The only thing you need to worry about here is filling out your display name, which should be the character name you whitelisted with.
Making Your Character & Leaving Spawn
You will be delivered to The Catacombs, our spawn, after leaving the standard Conan Exiles character creation menu. Here is where you'll actually make your character. Follow these steps:
Set up your dice sheet (Shift+R) with the whitelist details you provided in your whitelist ticket.
Create and customize your character's appearance (Shift+B). A "Body" contains all of the customizable dimensions for your character's physical body. "Armor" is their primary outfit with slots for head, chest, hands, legs, and feet. "Accessories" is all the miscellaneous add-ons you'd like to have on your character. Many of them can be repositioned anywhere on your character!
Go over to Feathers the Cock on your left-hand side if you're in need of some equipment between your legs. He'll be in a cage and he'll get you what you need.
Open the Conan menu (press M to open the map, potentially) and navigate to "Clan" up at the top. Put yourself into a clan. You may leave this and be invited to another if you get invited by your friends/other players later on.
Speak with The Keeper when you're ready to leave spawn and enter the world. You'll need to be level 8 with your sheet set up and give her the correct Passphrase, or else you will be barred entry! Giving anyone else this passphrase is an instant ban for you and your friend.
The Oasis
Upon leaving spawn, you will be sent to The Oasis. It is a neutral location governed by The Windseekers, attracting those looking to do business. It houses the free market and Ovius' Library, for all matters of research and magical item crafting. Player merchants can be found here, Exiles Extremes vendors, along with Isun himself, who sells wondrous magic items for a hefty price!
Setting Up a Merchant
First, buy the ToT Merchant placeable from the black-robed vendor, The Trader Merchant, next to the player market.
Next, place the ToT Merchant in the player market. Hold E and customize it using ToT. The black ToT option allows you to customize the physical appearance of the merchant. The red ToT option allows you to change the name. The green ToT option allows you to configure the merchant's stock and currency used. Be sure to use Halcyon gold coins as the currency and be sure to make sure everything aligns with our Market Rules.
Conducting Research
To conduct research, enter Ovius' Library. Upon entry, head into the main room and use the site teleporter to travel up to the third floor (Research Floor.) Here you can start the quest for:​ 3 Research Points, but will not be allowed to receive anymore for 72 hours.
After you have your research points, cross the library and interact with one of the research quests. To read more about them, check out our Researches. They all take 5 Research Points in order to start, and once you start them, you can finish them by interacting with the exclamation point on the central table.​
The Tall Tree Trainer
The Tall Tree Druids is a neutral group aligned in defense of the natural realm that once held a Grove within the Far Forest. Druids who are looking for a Wildshape trainer may find the newest Trainer within the Oasis across from the Blacksmith quarter.
The Blackguard Trainer
Directly outside of the Oasis stands a Blackguard Trainer. Speaking to him will begin a quest that can only be taken as a level 8. Every three days you may return here and gain experience for your current class. You need at least 1500 experience to reach 10th level, and then 4000 experience to reach 12th level. Please note: If you advance yourself to 10th level before completing the entire Introduction Quest line you will be unable to continue and receive your rewards.
The Windseeker's Oasis
Home of the Windseekers, the Oasis has several places of interest and is usually a friendly place to Common, Uncommon, and some Advanced races. Be mindful of our Hub Rules here.
The Stables: Just outside the gates, near the warp. Leave your mounts here before heading into town!
Apothecary: Located in the professions district of the Oasis.
Forager Station: Located in the professions district of the Oasis.
Craftsman's Workshop: Located in the professions district of the Oasis.
Blacksmith: Located in the professions district of the Oasis.
Adventurers' Guild: Located in the professions district of the Oasis.
Weekly Quests Board: Right in front of the Oasis warp.
Notice Boards: Just inside the gate on the right hand side.
Wizard's Tower: Located in the courtyard to the right.
The Golden Goblet Tavern: A tavern, lounge, and stage for up and coming performers!
The Guilty Goblet Tavern: A tavern, lounge for the more rugged races.
The Solstice Sanctuary: Nestled in the builds of the Oasis is small entrance with a marble statue, a humble fountain rests inside. Clerics can enter and create Holy Water here using Shift+R. A new ability will show up to make it.
Fountain of Advancement: Just inside the gate on the right hand side up the hill you'll find the fountain. Use this to level up to 10 or 12. Accessed via Shift+R. Scroll down to the bottom of your abilities.
Trainer: Nestled in the buildings is two trainers practicing in a fenced in area. You can claim 500 EXP here every 3 days, or use 3 marks of service to acquire 500 EXP. Accessed via Shift+R. Scroll down to the bottom of your abilities.
Marks of Service Redemption: Within the bazaar you will find two merchants, one for Event Reward redemption and one for Marks of Service redemption.
The Underbelly
A place for more unscrupulous individuals, including but not limited to Outcast and Hated races. The Underbelly can be found within the Oasis. Be mindful that our Hub Rules do not apply here.​
The Beneath the Sands tavern run by Shiesty Sheb is a place for those of nefarious leaning ideals to have a drink and scheme.​​