Wizards are supreme magic-users, defined and united as a class by the spells they cast. Drawing on the subtle weave of magic that permeates the cosmos, wizards cast spells of explosive fire, arcing lightning, subtle deception, and brute-force mind control. Their magic conjures monsters from other planes of existence, glimpses the future, or turns slain foes into zombies. Their mightiest spells change one substance into another, call meteors down from the sky, or open portals to other worlds.
Wild and enigmatic, varied in form and function, the power of magic draws students who seek to master its mysteries. Some aspire to become like the gods, shaping reality itself. Though the casting of a typical spell requires merely the utterance of a few strange words, fleeting gestures, and sometimes a pinch or clump of exotic materials, these surface components barely hint at the expertise attained after years of apprenticeship and countless hours of study.
Wizards live and die by their spells. Everything else is secondary. They learn new spells as they experiment and grow in experience. They can also learn them from other wizards, from ancient tomes or inscriptions, and from ancient creatures (such as the fey) that are steeped in magic.
The lure of knowledge and power calls even the most unadventurous wizards out of the safety of their libraries and laboratories and into crumbling ruins and lost cities. Most wizards believe that their counterparts in ancient civilizations knew secrets of magic that have been lost to the ages, and discovering those secrets could unlock the path to a power greater than any magic available in the present age.
Base Hit Points: 40
Hit Points per Advancement: 10
Actions: 1 Attack, 1 Bonus, 1 Reaction​
Casting Attribute: Intelligence
Starting Kit:
Armor: None
Weapons: Dagger, Staff, Crossbow
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
Skills: Arcana, Investigation​
Proficiency Bonus:​
Level 8: +2​
Level 10: +1 (3)
Level 12: +1 (4)
Arcane Recovery
Once per long rest, you may recover a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level spellslot while out of combat.
Arcane Traditions
The most common arcane traditions in the multiverse revolve around the schools of magic. Wizards through the ages have cataloged thousands of spells, grouping them into eight categories called schools. In some places, these traditions are literally schools. In other institutions, the schools are more like academic departments, with rival faculties competing for students and funding. Even wizards who train apprentices in the solitude of their own towers use the division of magic into schools as a learning device, since the spells of each school require mastery of different techniques. Choose your arcane tradition from the four available: Bladesinging, the School of Enchantment, the School of Evocation, and the School of Necromancy. These will be unlocked at Level 10 and reach their full potential at Level 12.
Through arcane research or experience, wizards are able to document and expand their own arcane knowledge through spells located within spellbooks. These are broken down into three levels of spellbooks. Minor, Basic, and Advanced. Which can be created by wizards at 8th, 10th, and 12th level respectfully once every three days. Additionally beginning at 12th level, once every two weeks a wizard may copy any spellbook in their possession. The requirements to create or copy a spellbooks are one tome, 2 arcane residue per spell level held within, and 50 gold per spell level held within.
Enchantment (Minor)​
Charm Person
1 Action
V, S
You attempt to charm a humanoid you can see within range. It must make a Wisdom Saving Throw. If it fails the saving throw it is charmed by you for the remainder of combat or until a hostile action is taken against them by you or one of your allies. They may also repeat the saving throw at the end of each of their turns.
(8 + Spell Bonus vs WIS Save)
Illusion (Minor)
1 Action
V, S
A creature you touch becomes invisible. Anything the target is wearing or carrying is invisible as long as it is on the target’s person. The spell ends when the target attacks or casts a spell.​
Transmutation (Minor)
Dragon's Breath
1 Bonus Action
V, S
You touch a willing creature and imbue it with the power to spew magical energy from its mouth, provided it has one. Choose acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison. Until the end of combat, the creature can use an action to exhale energy of the chosen type in a 2 tile cone.
Conjuration (Basic)
Sword Burst
1 Action
You create a momentary circle of spectral blades that sweep around you. All other creatures within 1 tile of you must succeed on a Dexterity Saving Throw or take 3d6 force damage.
Evocation (Basic)
1 Action
V, S
You cause numbing frost to form on one creature that you can see within range. The target must make a Constitution Saving Throw. On a failed save the target takes 3d6 cold damage and has disadvantage on weapon attacks until the end of its next turn.
(8 + Spell Bonus vs CON Save)
Necromancy (Basic)
Chill Touch
1 Action
V, S
You create a ghostly, skeletal hand in the space of a creature within range. On a hit the target cannot regain hit points until the start of your next turn.
3d8 Necrotic Damage
(1d20 + Spell Bonus vs AC)
School specific books, such as Evocation and Necromancy, may only be created by wizards who follow those arcane traditions. Beginning at 12th Level, any wizard may take a minor and basic spellbook they possess and combine it into an Advanced Spellbook which grants the spells of both books at once.
As a student of arcane magic, you have a spellbook containing spells that show the first glimmerings of your true power.
Spell Slots
Level 8
1st: +4
2nd: +3
Level 10​
- 3rd: +3
- 4th: +2
Level 12​
4th: +1
5th: +2
Combat Spells
The following list of spells are directly tied to, and reflected within, our dice system. Cantrips can be used an indefinite amount of times, but the rest are tied to spell slots of their corresponding level, and as such, are limited in their usage. All spell slots are restored upon a long rest. Cantrips, along with 1st and 2nd level spells, are available to newly created characters (Level 8s). 3rd and 4th level spells are available to Level 10 characters. 5th level spells are available to Level 12 characters.
Acid Splash
1 Action
V, S
You hurl a bubble of acid. Choose one or two creatures you can see within range. If you choose two, they must be within half a tile of each other. A target must succeed on a Dexterity Saving Throw or take 2d6 acid damage. (8 + Proficiency Bonus + Spell Bonus vs DEX Saving Throw)
Flavor Spells
The following spells are included in the wizard's repertoire, however; these spells cannot be used in combat and do not consume a spell slot. They cannot be used to gain advantage, access a base, or otherwise - they are only to enrich the narrative of your roleplay. For spells that involve affecting another person, they should be treated as social rolls. They are fully consent based and cannot be used to force an outcome in a roleplay scenario. Some are available to a newly created character (Level 8) and others are unlocked at Level 10.
Control Flames
1 Action
You choose nonmagical flame that you can see within range and that fits within a 5-foot cube. You affect it in one of the following ways:
You instantaneously expand the flame 5 feet in one direction, provided that wood or other fuel is present in the new location.
You instantaneously extinguish the flames within the cube.
You double or halve the area of bright light and dim light cast by the flame, change its color, or both. The change lasts for 1 hour.
You cause simple shapes—such as the vague form of a creature, an inanimate object, or a location—to appear within the flames and animate as you like. The shapes last for 1 hour.
If you cast this spell multiple times, you can have up to three of its non-instantaneous effects active at a time, and you can dismiss such an effect as an action.
Ritual Spells
Spells that require components to cast, or spells that have longer and broader effects than any of the aforementioned combat and flavor spells, are considered rituals. They do not consume spell slots. Most require DM oversight and such will be denoted in a ritual's description if it does. If it does not, it can be cast as any other spell is cast in our dice system, should you have the required components on hand.
Detect Magic
1 Action
V, S, M
Class Required:​
Components Required:
1x Unstable Essence
5x Arcane Residue
For the next 10 minutes, you sense the presence of magic within 3 tiles of you. You may use another action to determine the school of magic, if any.
The spell can penetrate most barriers, but is blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a shin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood/dirt.
This is an RPR Spell, and does not require a DM Ticket!
Bladesingers master a tradition of wizardry that incorporates swordplay and dance. Originally created by elves, this tradition has been adopted by non-elf practitioners, who honor and expand on the elven ways.
In combat, a bladesinger uses a series of intricate, elegant maneuvers that fend off harm and allow the bladesinger to channel magic into devastating attacks and a cunning defense. Many who have observed a bladesinger at work remember the display as one of the more beautiful experiences in their life, a glorious dance accompanied by a singing blade.
Bonus Proficiencies
Armor: Light
Skills: Performance
Class Resource:
Level 10: +3
Level 12: +1 (4)
For the cost of a class resource, use your bonus action to invoke an elven magic called the Bladesong for the remainder of combat, provided you aren’t wearing medium or heavy armor, and are using a single one handed weapon with a free offhand. It graces you with supernatural speed, agility and focus. You gain an additional bonus to your AC equal to your Intelligence modifier and your movement speed increases by 1 tile; and you gain proficiency with one type of one-handed melee weapon of your choice. Ends early if you are stunned, fall asleep, or your are disarmed.
Extra Attack
You can attack twice instead of once whenever you take the Attack Action on your turn. Moreover, you can use this to follow up a cantrip with a single attack.
Song of Defense
You direct your magic to absorb damage while your Bladesong is active. When you take damage, you can use your reaction and a 1st/2nd/3rd level spellslot to reduce the damage by 4/8/12.
Song of Victory
Requires Level 12
You deal extra damage with your melee attacks equal to your Intelligence score while in Bladesong.
As a member of the School of Enchantment, you have honed your ability to magically entrance and beguile other people and monsters. Some enchanters are peacemakers who bewitch the violent to lay down their arms and charm the cruel into showing mercy. Others are tyrants who magically bind the unwilling into their service. Most enchanters fall somewhere in between.
Bonus Proficiencies​
Skills: Persuasion
Hypnotic Gaze
Attempt to use your soft words and enchanting gaze to magically enthrall another creature. Choose one creature you can see within 1 tile. If the target can see and hear you, it must succeed on a Wisdom Saving Throw (DC 8 + Spell Bonus) or be charmed by you until the end of their next turn. The charmed creature’s speed drops to 0 and they may take no actions. Once this effect ends, or the creature succeeds the saving throw, they are immune to this effect until you finish a long rest.
Instinctive Charm
When a creature within 4 tiles of you makes an attack roll against you, you can use your reaction to divert the attack, provided that another creature is within the attack’s range. The attacker must make a Wisdom Saving Throw (DC 8 + Spell Bonus). On a failed save, the attacker must target the creature that is closest to it, not including you or itself.
Alter Memory
Requires Level 12
You have the ability to make a creature unaware of your magical influence on it. When you cast an enchantment spell to charm one or more creatures, you can alter one creature’s understanding so that it remains unaware of being charmed.
Enchantment Spells
1 Action
V, S
Attempt to put the target into a magical slumber. They must succeed a Constitution Saving Throw (DC 8 + Spell Bonus) or be put to sleep and fall prone until the end of their next turn. If the creature is attacked while asleep they will wake up early.
Acquired at 10th Level
You focus your study on magic that creates powerful elemental effects such as bitter cold, searing flame, rolling thunder, crackling lightning, and burning acid. Some evokers find employment in military forces, serving as artillery to blast enemy armies from afar. Others use their spectacular power to protect the weak, while some seek their own gain as bandits, adventurers, or aspiring tyrants.
Bonus Proficiencies​
Skills: Perception
Sculpt Spells
You are able to create pockets of relative safety within the effects of your evocation spells. Choose up to 3 targets within the area of effect to exclude from the damage.
Empowered Evocation
Requires Level 12
Your evocation spells deal additional damage equal to your Intelligence score.
Evocation Spells
Witch Bolt (2nd)
1 Action
V, S
A beam of crackling, blue energy lances out towards a creature within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the creature. On a hit, the target takes 2d12 lightning damage and you are able to deal damage to the target again on the next turn without needing to roll to hit again or taking the cost of a spell slot. If you choose to take any other action, the effect will fade.
(1d20 + Spell Bonus vs AC)
The School of Necromancy explores the cosmic forces of life, death, and undeath. As you focus your studies in this tradition, you learn to manipulate the energy that animates all living things. As you progress, you learn to sap the life force from a creature as your magic destroys its body, transforming that vital energy into magical power you can manipulate.
Most people see necromancers as menacing, or even villainous, due to the close association with death. Not all necromancers are evil, but the forces they manipulate are considered taboo by many societies.
Bonus Proficiencies​
Skills: Intimidation
Grim Harvest
You may reap the life energy from creatures you hit with your spells. Once per turn, when you damage a creature with a spell using a spellslot of 1st level or higher, you may regain 5 hit points. Does not work on Undead.
Inured to Undeath
Requires Level 12
You gain resistance to necrotic damage.
Command Undead
Requires Level 12
As an action, choose one undead you can see within 6 tiles of you. That undead must make a Charisma saving throw (8 + Spell Bonus Vs CHA). On save failure, the undead must use it's full turn to adhere to any movement commands and action commands you make to the best of their ability, including reactions and spell use. Usable once per day.
Necromancy Spells
False Life
1 Action
V, S
Bolster yourself with a necromantic facsimile of life. You gain 12 temporary hit points.
Ritual Spells
Animate Dead
1 Action
V, S
Components Required:
1 Resilient Heart
1 Blood Vial
6 Arcane Residue
This spell creates an undead servant. You will be given 2 Undead Minion runes that can be consumed in combat to summon a minion to fight at your side.​