Magic is a part of every sorcerer, suffusing body, mind, and spirit with a latent power that waits to be tapped. Some sorcerers wield magic that springs from an ancient bloodline infused with the magic of dragons. Others carry a raw, uncontrolled magic within them, a chaotic storm that manifests in unexpected ways.
The appearance of sorcerous powers is wildly unpredictable. Some draconic bloodlines produce exactly one sorcerer in every generation, but in other lines of descent every individual is a sorcerer. Most of the time, the talents of sorcery appear as apparent flukes. Some sorcerers can’t name the origin of their power, while others trace it to strange events in their own lives. The touch of a demon, the blessing of a dryad at a baby’s birth, or a taste of the water from a mysterious spring might spark the gift of sorcery. So too might the gift of a deity of magic, exposure to the elemental forces of the Inner Planes or the maddening chaos of Limbo, or a glimpse into the inner workings of reality.
Sorcerers have no use for the spellbooks and ancient tomes of magic lore that wizards rely on, nor do they rely on a patron to grant their spells as warlocks do. By learning to harness and channel their own inborn magic, they can discover new and staggering ways to unleash that power.
Sorcerers often have obscure or quixotic motivations driving them to adventure. Some seek a greater understanding of the magical force that infuses them, or the answer to the mystery of its origin. Others hope to find a way to get rid of it, or to unleash its full potential. Whatever their goals, sorcerers are every bit as useful to an adventuring party as wizards, making up for a comparative lack of breadth in their magical knowledge with enormous flexibility in using the spells they know.

Base Hit Points: 40
Hit Points per Advancement: 10
Actions: 1 Attack, 1 Bonus, 1 Reaction​
Casting Attribute: Charisma
Starting Kit:
Armor: None
Weapons: Daggers, Staff, Crossbow
Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma
Skills: Arcana, Persuasion​
Sorcery Points:​
Level 8: 3​
Level 10: +1 (4)
Level 12: +2 (6)
Proficiency Bonus:​
Level 8: +2​
Level 10: +1 (3)
Level 12: +1 (4)
Careful Spell
When you cast a spell that forces other creatures to make a saving throw, you can protect some of those creatures from the spell's full force. By expending 1 Sorcery Point and tapping into your metamagic, you will allow select targets to negate damage within the spell's area of effect.
Quickened Spell
Requires Level 10
By tapping into your metamagic, you expend two sorcery points to make your last spell cast as a bonus action. Allows you to cast a cantrip, or take another action on this turn. You may not cast another leveled spell.
Subtle Spell
Requires Level 12
By tapping into your metamagic, you expend 1 Sorcery Points to remove the verbal and somatic components required to cast your next spell.
Sorcerous Origins
Different sorcerers claim different origins for their innate magic. Choose your bloodline (subclass) from the four available: Aberrant Mind, Divine Soul, Draconic, and Shadow Magic. These will be unlocked at Level 10 and reach their full potential at Level 12.

An event in your past, or in the life of a parent or ancestor, left an indelible mark on you, infusing you with arcane magic. This font of magic, whatever its origin, fuels your spells.
Spell Slots
Level 8
1st: +4
2nd: +3
Level 10​
- 3rd: +3
- 4th: +2
Level 12​
4th: +1
5th: +2
Combat Spells
The following list of spells are directly tied to, and reflected within, our dice system. Cantrips can be used an indefinite amount of times, but the rest are tied to spell slots of their corresponding level, and as such, are limited in their usage. All spell slots are restored upon a long rest. Cantrips, along with 1st and 2nd level spells, are available to newly created characters (Level 8s). 3rd and 4th level spells are available to Level 10 characters. 5th level spells are available to Level 12 characters.
Chill Touch
1 Action
V, S
You create a ghostly, skeletal hand in the space of a creature within range. On a hit the target cannot regain hit points until the start of your next turn.
3d8 Necrotic Damage
(1d20 + Spell Bonus vs AC)
Acquired at Level 10
Flavor Spells
The following spells are included in the sorcerer's repertoire, however; these spells cannot be used in combat and do not consume a spell slot. They cannot be used to gain advantage, access a base, or otherwise - they are only to enrich the narrative of your roleplay. For spells that involve affecting another person, they should be treated as social rolls. They are fully consent based and cannot be used to force an outcome in a roleplay scenario. Some are available to a newly created character (Level 8) and others are unlocked at Level 10.
1 Action
V, S, M
One creature or loose object of your choice that you can see within range rises vertically, up to 20 feet, and remains suspended there for the duration. The spell can levitate a target that weighs up to 500 pounds. An unwilling creature that succeeds on a Constitution saving throw is unaffected.
The target can move only by pushing or pulling against a fixed object or surface within reach (such as a wall or a ceiling), which allows it to move as if it were climbing. You can change the target's altitude by up to 20 feet in either direction on your turn. If you are the target, you can move up or down as part of your move. Otherwise, you can use your action to move the target, which must remain within the spell's range.
When the spell ends, the target floats gently to the ground if it is still aloft.
Ritual Spells
Spells that require components to cast, or spells that have longer and broader effects than any of the aforementioned combat and flavor spells, are considered rituals. They do not consume spell slots. Most require DM oversight and such will be denoted in a ritual's description if it does. If it does not, it can be cast as any other spell is cast in our dice system, should you have the required components on hand.
Detect Magic
1 Action
V, S, M
Class Required:​
Components Required:
1x Unstable Essence
5x Arcane Residue
For the next 10 minutes, you sense the presence of magic within 3 tiles of you. You may use another action to determine the school of magic, if any.
The spell can penetrate most barriers, but is blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a shin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood/dirt.
This is an RPR Spell, and does not require a DM Ticket!

An alien influence has wrapped its tendrils around your mind, giving you psionic power. You can now touch other minds with that power and alter the world around you by using it to control the magical energy of the multiverse. Will this power shine from you as a hopeful beacon to others? Or will you be a source of terror to those who feel the stab of your mind and witness the strange manifestations of your might?
Bonus Proficiencies​
Skills: Insight
Revelation in Flesh
You can unleash the aberrant truth hidden within yourself. As a bonus action, you can spend 1 class resource to magically transform your body. Turns your eyes either black, or into writhing sensory tendrils and makes your skin glisten with mucus or shine with otherworldly light. You can see any invisible creature within' 6 tiles of you aslong as it is in line of sight, and you convert your movement speed to flying type for the duration of combat.
Psychic Defenses
You gain resistance to Psychic Damage.
Warping Implosion
Requires Level 12
You can unleash your aberrant power as a space-warping anomaly. As an action, you can teleport to an unoccupied space you can see within 9 tiles of you. Immediately after you disappear, each creature within 4 tiles of the space you left must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 3d10 force damage and pulls all whomst fail the save inwards, to the casters former location.
Aberrant Mind Spells
Mind Sliver
1 Action
You drive a disorienting spike of psychic energy into the mind of one creature you can see within range. The target must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw or take 3d6 psychic damage and receive disadvantages on saving throwing until the end of their next turn.

Sometimes the spark of magic that fuels a sorcerer comes from a divine source that glimmers within the soul. Having such a blessed soul is a sign that your innate magic might come from a distant but powerful familial connection to a divine being. Perhaps your ancestor was an angel, transformed into a mortal and sent to fight in a god’s name. Or your birth might align with an ancient prophecy, marking you as a servant of the gods or a chosen vessel of divine magic.
A Divine Soul, with a natural magnetism, is seen as a threat by some religious hierarchies. As an outsider who commands sacred power, a Divine Soul can undermine an existing order by claiming a direct tie to the divine. In some cultures, only those who can claim the power of a Divine Soul may command religious power. In these lands, ecclesiastical positions are dominated by a few bloodlines and preserved over generations.​​
Bonus Proficiencies​
Skills: Medicine
Divine Affinity
Upon selecting Divine Soul you will be prompted to select the affinity of your divine powers, receiving an ability based on the affinity. Note: You do not have to roleplay your characters allignment as the same as the source of your divine power. Good - Heroism, Evil - Inflict Wounds, Law - Bless, Chaos - Bane.
Angelic Form
Use a bonus action to manifest a pair of spectral wings from your back. While the wings are present, you have a flying speed.
The affinity you chose for your Divine Magic feature determines the appearance of the spectral wings: eagle wings for good or law, bat wings for evil or chaos, and dragonfly wings for neutral.
Unearthly Recovery
Requires Level 12
As a bonus action when you have fewer than 50 of your hit points remaining, you may regain 20 hit points. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
Divine Soul Spells
Sacred Flame
1 Action
V, S
Flame-like radiance descends on a creature that you can see within range.
2d8 Radiant Damage
(8 + Spell Bonus vs DEX Save)
Ritual Spells
1 Minute
V, S, M
Class Required:​
Sorcerer: Divine Soul
Components Required:
10x Daisy
10x Briskleaf
10x Mother'sleaf
10x Giant's Root
10x Valorbell
10x Holy Water
30x Arcane Residue
You contact your deity or a divine proxy and ask up to three questions that can be answered with a yes or no. You must ask your questions before the spell ends. You receive a correct answer for each question.
Divine beings aren't necessarily omniscient, so you might receive "unclear" as an answer if a question pertains to information that lies beyond the deity's knowledge. In a case where a one-word answer could be misleading or contrary to the deity's interests, the DM might offer a short phrase as an answer instead.
If you cast the spell two or more times before finishing your next long rest, there is a cumulative 25 percent chance for each casting after the first that you get no answer. The DM makes this roll in secret.

Your innate magic comes from draconic magic that was mingled with your blood or that of your ancestors. Most often, sorcerers with this origin trace their descent back to a mighty sorcerer of ancient times who made a bargain with a dragon or who might even have claimed a dragon parent. Some of these bloodlines are well established in the world, but most are obscure. Any given sorcerer could be the first of a new bloodline, as a result of a pact or some other exceptional circumstance.
Bonus Proficiencies​
Skills: Intimidation
Draconic Ancestry | Resilience
You can speak, read, and write Draconic. You gain resistance to one of fire, cold, poison, or lightning damage. Grants: Tough Feature. You gain Hit Points equal to your level as follows:
Level 10: +10
Level 12: +2 (12)
Dragon Wings
Use a bonus action to sprout a pair of draconic wings. Granting you Fleet of Foot and turning your movement speed into flying speed until the end of your turn.
Draconic Presence
Requires Level 12
You can channel the dread presence of your dragon ancestor, causing those around you to become awestruck or frightened. As an action, you exude an aura of fear to a distance of 6 tiles. This lasts until the end of their next turn.
(8 + Spell Bonus vs WIS Save)
Draconic Bloodline Spells
Ray of Frost
1 Action
V, S
A frigid beam of blue-white light streaks towards a creature within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, it takes 2d8 cold damage, and its speed is reduced by 1 tile until the end of their next turn.
(1d20 + Spell Bonus vs AC)
Granted at 12th Level.

You are a creature of shadow, for your innate magic comes from the Shadowfell itself. You might trace your lineage to an entity from that place, or perhaps you were exposed to its fell energy and transformed by it.
Bonus Proficiencies​
Skills: Stealth
You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions, negating the Perception and to-hit penalties present at nighttime and in the dark areas of the world.
Strength of the Grave
When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you can use this feature to instead drop to 1 hit point after the turn of whomstever attacked you ends. You cannot use this feature if you are reduced to 0 hit points by an attack with radiant damage.
Shadow Walk
When you are in dim light or darkness, as a bonus action you can teleport up to 2 tiles to an unoccupied space you can see that is also in the shadows.
Umbral Form
Requires Level 12
As a bonus action with a cost of 3 Sorcery Points, transform yourself into a shadowy form. In this form, you gain resistance to cold, psychic, physical, thunder, necrotic, acid and poison damage.
Shadow Magic Spells
Sword Burst
1 Action
You create a momentary circle of spectral blades that sweep around you. All other creatures within 1 tile of you must succeed on a Dexterity Saving Throw or take 3d6 force damage.